- "Turns out the interpreter got the translation wrong. You can come back inside."
- "Yup, I'm right behind you."
- "Now they're saying, 'Go back, go back.'"
- "My money's against you. Nothing personal."
- "I've been asked to remind you to take your Blackberry."
- "Can you quick sign these?"
- "Sir? Turns out the firm's life insurance doesn't pay out for this sort of thing."
- "Oh, okay, it can wait."
- "They can't hear you on the conference call."
- "Turn back before the next building and you still have to captain the softball team next year."
- "We were kidding. There's no shortcut to partner. Seriously."
- "Had time to think about what you've done?"
- "Come back without a pigeon and it's your job."
- "The board said something about this canceling out the glass ceiling, or whatever."
- "No shame in crying. No one has yet, but there's no shame in it."
- "So do you have to bring a brick back from the other building or something?"
- "While you're over there, tell them we can totally see into their men's bathroom, and it's gross."
- "Come back, you forgot your spoon for the egg."
- "Feats of strength and daring are will always have a place in our annual reviews."
# posted by R Carter @ 1:22 PM