Sunday, July 16, 2006
I used to say that the most difficult thing about flying was staying in one place--that cramped seat--for that long. It's difficult.
But getting to and from the airport can be as challenging. I don't think I made a single wrong turn on the way there and it still must've taken an hour. And that doesn't count finding the ticket counter.
But the way back! Man. First I have to take this shuttle to the main terminal, find the right bus to the parking lot, get off at the right time, then take the correct exit from the freeway. And all that while a pretty interesting thing was on public radio. I expect a bit too much from myself.
The closest thing I have for a contender for funniest thing of the week is this:
Asked friend Dave why he wasn't running on Saturday. He said that he was hurt. A very small bit of prodding revealed that he'd injured himself while bar hopping. He took bar hopping a step further by hopping down some wall and hurting his leg. "I can't really blame being drunk," he said, "because I probably would have done the same thing if I were sober."
Good times.
Oh, and I caught my sister's garter at he wedding this weekend. Damn near hit me in the eye. Good thing I ignore fate as a rule. My life would be much more prosperous and harmonious if I didn't. That's how you know I make a habit of ignoring the universe when it's trying to tell me something.
Tried to toss the garter off on my nephew, but he knew the score, and threw it back to me. Clever, that kid.
Further potential candidate for ftotw is the dream I had last night, that I got hornswaggled into enrolling in a international relations graduate degree. Of course I skipped most of the classes and never really realized that I was actually a student, and before I knew it I owed something like $129,000 in tuition and fees. Man, was I ever pissed. I think I crashed someone's Ferrari into a house across the street, too. All in a day's work.
But getting to and from the airport can be as challenging. I don't think I made a single wrong turn on the way there and it still must've taken an hour. And that doesn't count finding the ticket counter.
But the way back! Man. First I have to take this shuttle to the main terminal, find the right bus to the parking lot, get off at the right time, then take the correct exit from the freeway. And all that while a pretty interesting thing was on public radio. I expect a bit too much from myself.
The closest thing I have for a contender for funniest thing of the week is this:
Asked friend Dave why he wasn't running on Saturday. He said that he was hurt. A very small bit of prodding revealed that he'd injured himself while bar hopping. He took bar hopping a step further by hopping down some wall and hurting his leg. "I can't really blame being drunk," he said, "because I probably would have done the same thing if I were sober."
Good times.
Oh, and I caught my sister's garter at he wedding this weekend. Damn near hit me in the eye. Good thing I ignore fate as a rule. My life would be much more prosperous and harmonious if I didn't. That's how you know I make a habit of ignoring the universe when it's trying to tell me something.
Tried to toss the garter off on my nephew, but he knew the score, and threw it back to me. Clever, that kid.
Further potential candidate for ftotw is the dream I had last night, that I got hornswaggled into enrolling in a international relations graduate degree. Of course I skipped most of the classes and never really realized that I was actually a student, and before I knew it I owed something like $129,000 in tuition and fees. Man, was I ever pissed. I think I crashed someone's Ferrari into a house across the street, too. All in a day's work.
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I avoid flying for lots of reasons...
Congrats on snagging the garter. Guess you're single (for now!).
How is it that you are able to ignore the Universe???
"Hornswaggled"? Interesting word.
I would volunteer to interpret that dream for you if I knew you. Would be pointless since I don't.
Congrats on snagging the garter. Guess you're single (for now!).
How is it that you are able to ignore the Universe???
"Hornswaggled"? Interesting word.
I would volunteer to interpret that dream for you if I knew you. Would be pointless since I don't.
Am I boring you? Or are you just an "aloof" kinda guy? ;-) Tell me to get lost if you want, you won't hurt my feelings. Honest.
I like reading here and I don't have to take an eye/literacy test to leave a comment, so it's relatively stress-free...
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