Thursday, July 13, 2006


Acronymonious, or, Le chat c'est moi

Had to understand a sentence in an email that wasn't long, but must have been 30% acronyms. This is like reading French. Sure, the basic words I understand, things like l'etat c'est moi and maison and bonjour. But then most of the significant words are those whose meaning is not revealed by guessing.

Once I tried reading a German newspaper and found most articles to be utterly preposterous. For example, upon reading something in the business section, I was all like "The giraffe did what in the evil exchange?"

Le chat c'est moi.

Acronymonious? I love to make up words too, I think it's a sign of lofty intellect ;-)
You were getting me all excited there, speaking French. Too bad I don't understand. But did I interpret "talking to myself" correctly?
Glad you finally posted. Thought you gave it up...
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